Artist Statement
“I question the place and role of color: on lines, as lines, or replacing lines. The works I have been doing reflect my career long interest in the details of line and color, the creation of shapes and the placement of these on paper, or in space. These paintings reflect my thinking about direction and how changes in density of paint or use of water define and subtly change the composition. As the paint flows, it changes directions. Paint flow into lines of denser color. Areas formed are not defined by enclosed lines; rather they indicate new colors. The paintings may suggest by chance, landscapes, mountains, rocks and whatever the viewer sees.”
About The Artist
Stan Lindwasser, born February 17, 1947 and passed away May 3, 2020, who was a painter whose last studio space was in Beacon, NY. He had been a prolific artist for over 35 years with an extensive exhibit history. Lindwasser, a native of Brooklyn, NY was working with acrylic paint on canvas to invoke abstract images that he saw as reminiscent of landscapes, weather, water, and other forces of nature. Stan passed away at the age of 73 in Beacon, NY, surrounded by family, some of whom relocated to Beacon to be closer.
In his earlier days, he created a series of installations which used cord painted in acrylic and stretched on frames to form three dimensional grids. These pieces were constructed and shown at the Brooklyn Museum and the Brooklyn Public Library in Brooklyn, NY and the Bertha Urdang Gallery in New York City. Additionally, his work was shown at the Sarah Yorke Rentschler Gallery in New York City, and the Jersey City Museum, Jersey City, NJ, where he showed steel sculpture.
Lindwasser has received a New Jersey State Council for the Arts Sculpture Fellowship and a National Endowment for the Arts, Visual and Performing Arts Grant, through the Battery Dance Company.
His later work appeared at the Sovereign Bank in Hoboken NJ; the Watchung Art Center in Watchung, NJ; the Eureka Market Gallery in Hoboken, NJ, and the 310 Hudson Street Gallery in Hoboken, NJ.
Primarily a painter, Lindwasser taught art to diverse populations including urban youth, developmentally and psychiatrically challenged individuals.
Lindwasser received a BA and an MFA in painting for Hunter College, New York City. Stan is survived by his wife, Helen Crohn, three children, and three grandchildren. He was the proud dog father of Rembrandt Charlemagne Lambchop, a well-renowned dog who also resides in Beacon, NY, formerly of Hoboken, NJ.